Software Engineering Interests and Hopes

31 Aug 2017

I am a novice with reguards to software engineering as I have worked on no projetcs and have barely began exposing myself to langauges such as HTML and JavaScript. However, my lack of expierence only drives me to expunge my deficiency in software engineering and web development so that I can one day count it among my other acquired skill sets. I would like to raise my capabilities so that I can contribute towards open-source projetcs and applications. I feel like contributing towards such projects is the mark of not only a talented computer scientist but a member of the tech community as a whole.

Working on open-sourced projetcts and other large-scale undertakings would foster my coding skills and knowledge bass whilst simultaneously sponsor my connections with others. I am especially interested in web development as it would be a new frontier for me that I am keen on exploring. I doubt web content would be something that I would want to focus on for a career, reguardless, it is still an aspect of computer science that will, at the very least, provide for an interesting and challenging journey of self-improvement.

I am fortunate to have current and future classes that I am or will be taking at the University of Hawaii at Manoa that will assist with my software engineering. These classes will serve as excellent bedrocks to build upon through my own personal endevours outside of the classroom. I am also fortunate to have several friends who are interested in forming a group centered around attempting to build simple apps for mobile phones. Hopefully my continued expierences with software engineering will continue to be met with success, but seeing as how I will not be on this journey alone, I feel safe in assuming that I will one day accomplish feats truly worth being proud of.